: who's that girl? - pēdējā darba diena.

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Aprīlis 27., 2007

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08:50 - pēdējā darba diena.

(9 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:28. Aprīlis 2007 - 00:42
you're right.
some times it takes more than one's self.
more than yourself.
more than myself.
more than ourselves.

"if you can't do something, - do it.
if you don't -
it doesn't exist,"
wrote paul arden.
[User Picture]
Date:28. Aprīlis 2007 - 00:54
then let's go together
two sights and two visions
maybe could meld into one
and maybe the stairway to
heaven is not so far away
[User Picture]
Date:28. Aprīlis 2007 - 01:06
what would you say
if i revealed -
this is heaven
(this is hell)
(this is the earth)

it's a goddamn
three in one

say nothing.

we are already
don't you think?
[User Picture]
Date:28. Aprīlis 2007 - 01:22
three in one.

gehinom / גיאהינום
sheol / שאול
gan eden / גַּן עֵדֶן

all good things
come by three.

i wish i could
say nothing.
to immerse in
your silence.

we are together.
i think.

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