17 May 2005 @ 07:01 pm
es arī.. par iznākumu tikai priecājos!  
You scored as Classic Rock.. Classic Rock.

Classic Rock.




Indie Rock


Emo & More






Punk and Pop Punk.






Hip Hop and Rap






Music Recommendation
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Ūūlę: mergina[info]chimera on May 17th, 2005 - 07:04 pm
es biju indie kid. mani arī rezultāts apmierināja :)
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[info]hessin on May 17th, 2005 - 07:35 pm
man ar` bija indie. Bet 3. vietā bija hip hop rap. (wdf?)
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nedaudz par īsu[info]eovina on May 17th, 2005 - 07:37 pm
mani nedaudz mulsina emo&more, jo man nav īsti skaidrs, kas tas par zvēru EMO tāds ir.. :)
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Ūūlę: vejsh[info]chimera on May 17th, 2005 - 07:39 pm
man kaut kā šķiet, ka kaut kāda saistība ar HC tam bija. bet varbūt kļūdos.
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nedaudz par īsu[info]eovina on May 17th, 2005 - 07:40 pm
ja? es zinu, ka tādus mazus "school kids" dažreiz sauc par emo kids. un tur k-kā hc neiet tuvu.
nu nezin nezin, kā tur ir.. :D
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Ūūlę: nocturne[info]chimera on May 17th, 2005 - 07:49 pm
sorr par spamu :))
Emotional-punk music evolved out of the punk movement spreading throughout the United States in the 1990s. The same "shun authority" approach applies to both emo and traditional punk music, and both share the high energy level characteristic of punk and post-punk material.

Emo differs from traditional punk in that an extreme emphasis is placed on raw emotion, which is conveyed through heartbroken and sometimes angry lyrics (as in "screamo") and through emotionally-charged chord progressions and high-energy beats. The music is designed to be highly dramatic, taking the listener through a series of powerful ups and downs with constant lyrical reminders of the heartbreak and pain the music is meant to reflect. Harmony is used more so in emo than in punk music, particularly to accent certain words and concepts, and emo music on the whole tends to emphasize melody and lyricism, certainly more so than does traditional punk music, which is designed to anger and move to action rather than depress or emphasize vulnerability.

Perhaps the most distinct difference between emo and traditional punk music is the former's repeated use of loud-soft contrasts, reflective of the singer's mood changes between heartbreak, anger and confusion. Before emo, almost all punk music held a steady volume perpetuated by rhythm guitar. Emo often cuts the rhythm guitar suddenly, opting for a more intimate organ, bells or other softer, more contemplation-provoking type of sound.

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[info]hessin on May 17th, 2005 - 07:44 pm
dc++ tīklā mētājas tāda filmiņa, kurā apskatīts, kas tas ir; ironiska, sauc `how to be emo' (vai līdzīgi).
Es arī nezināju - noskatījos, secināju, ka tas ir `alternatīvo` tīņu jaunais vilnis; mūzika, kurā tiek likts uzsvars uz emocionalitāti un blabla.
Un es atpalieku no laika.
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nedaudz par īsu: viiramaate[info]eovina on May 17th, 2005 - 07:51 pm
tas ir TIK briesmīgi!

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Ūūlę: vejsh[info]chimera on May 17th, 2005 - 07:38 pm
yo, zets kūl, men :)
man savukārt otrajā emo & more (??? pārsteigta biju). bet trešajā industrial-jokaini, ka tik zemu.
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nedaudz par īsu: kaķis[info]eovina on May 17th, 2005 - 07:38 pm
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