per silentium ad as†ra mille - kā valoda izrunā valūtu, alūts navaid nūrādeits [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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kā valoda izrunā valūtu, alūts navaid nūrādeits [Dec. 13th, 2012|02:34 pm]
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Date:December 13th, 2012 - 03:46 pm
Ai, daudziem šitādas problēmas. Sākās jau tad, kad vispār izlēma jauno valūtu saukt par EURO:

"Names of all sorts flew across the Council table - eurodollar, eurofranc, euromark, others - until one wise guy uttered: Why not just call it euro? Up on to his feet shot the Greek representative: Over our dead bodies will you call it euro! Does anybody here know what the word euro means in Greek? It is the first person singular of the verb to urinate!

And Greece, it seems, got her way as far as to get (a) her correct printing on to the notes and (b) the people in Greece still using their pronunciation of evro. And now the Latvian government too has decided to call it eiro. Why should Malta not call it ewro? Because the Commission or the ECB, says so?"