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[Mar. 25th, 2020|05:42 am]
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nelielas komandas sastāvā izbrauksim šodien komandējumā.
pamodos, izberzēju acis un tagad jau stundas ceturksni raudu. lieta tāda, ka man uz pirkstgaliem palikuši čillī putekļi, kuru klātbūtni es atjauninu vismaz trīsreiz dienā. ļoti efektīvi demonstrē, cik bieži un kur es bāžu savas rokas.

While the world burns
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Date:March 25th, 2020 - 09:04 am
Scientists (kaut kur dirsā Minesotā) have not worked out all the neurology yet, but one theory about this electrical pulse (the electrical pulse associated with error monitoring) is that it is somehow sending messages to several distinct brain regions, perhaps through the neurotransmitter dopamine. These structures, in turn, are responsible not only for monitoring and correcting immediate errors but also for enhancing cognitive control long term. Or not, depending on the potency of the signal. It appears that those with a sputtering electrical generator just keep making the same mental and emotional slips again and again.
Date:March 25th, 2020 - 01:47 pm
čilī puteklīts & the band <3 <3
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Date:March 27th, 2020 - 06:33 pm