Sep. 11th, 2009 | 09:50
Skan: Аспид - Коматозное состояние
Tad nu gaidu, kad beidzot varēšu iegādāties Silent Hill: Shattered Memories; gaidu, kad varēšu apzināti un mērķtiecīgi patukšot savu filmu To buy listi (ha, skapī jau DVD kolonna ir pilna, jātaisa jauns) un pazagt lietas iz Must see listes; vispār jau gaidu tos tumšos vakarus, kad aiz loga smaržo pēc lietus un kad dzeltenais ielu apgaismojums atspīd bruģī gluži kā Jāņa Ivara Stradiņa "Dēmonu villā".
Rudens spārda!
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Mākslinieciska pornogrāfija?
Sep. 11th, 2009 | 01:10
Skan: Burn Victim - Semen In The Holy Water // Pure Porno

Citāts: Two men enter a fast food place. The owner asks them about a mysterious matter. After some considerations, one of the two guys accepts to tell the story. Here starts a long flashback: the two men are in a terrace, next to a lake, and one is telling the other a story. A woman sits at a table nearby. Later the same woman is kidnapped. When the blindfold is removed, a woman welcomes her. After a relaxing massage, she is accompanied by 6 women, into a stage, in front of masked men, and women of all kinds. A speaker explains that the woman will be pleased, by all means. The 6 women first, and later some men make love to her, while the audience progressively move into a orgy. This is the end of the flashback. The owner of the fast food place asks what happened after that time, but the men refuse to tell... Written by Andrea Pasqua {}
Un kas vēl bija jautri - reiz organizēju pie sevis filmu vakaru un tad pienāca jau nakts un kārtējais mirklis izdomāt, ko skatīties. Izdomājām - pareizi - skatīties Behind A Green Door. Skatītāji: 2 vīrieškārtas cilvēki un 2 vai 3 mazpazīstamas (tikai nedaudz kopā pavadīts laiks - saietos, piemēram) dāmas (iz foruma). Pēc filmas domājām - WTF: kāpēc mēs skatījāmies? Nu neko - smiekls un pozitīvas atmiņas garantētas, xexe
( Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis - Sexologic coitamination to bisexual fat fornication with an anorexic lesbian, both with clit orgasmic vaginal & pleasure dispareuniavesselcongetion )