Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

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(bez virsraksta) @ 11:50

[info]anonymous commented on [info]dienasgramata's post:

ej Tu nost! Tu gribi teikt, ka to viņš?

Ouija board
Would you work for me ?
I have got to say Hello
To an old friend

Ouija board, ouija board, ouija board
Would you work for me ?
I have got to get through
To a good friend
Well, she has now gone
From this Unhappy Planet
With all the carnivores
And the destructors of it

Ouija board, ouija board, ouija board
Would you help me ?
Because I still do feel
So horribly lonely

Would you, ouija board
Would you, ouija board
Would you help me ?
And I just can't find
My place in this world

She has now gone
From this Unhappy Planet
With all the carnivores
And the destructors of it

Oh hear my voice ("hear my voice")
Oh hear my voice ("hear my voice")
Hear my voice ("hear my voice")
Hear my voice ("hear my voice")
The table is rumbling ...
The table is rumbling
The glass is moving
"No, I was NOT pushing that time"
It spells : S.T.E.V.E.N

The table is rumbling
The glass is moving
"No, I was NOT pushing that time" :
P.U.S.H.O. double F.

Well, she has now gone
From this Unhappy Planet
With all the carnivores
And the destructors of it

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( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata