pats esmu visnotaļ sekulāri orientēts cilvēks. bet slikti mums ar morāli un ētiku - cilvēcei kā kolektīvam. *pukes* un ar balansu arī.
smieklīgs citāts no wiki:
"In the Eurobarometer Poll 2010, 38% of Latvian citizens responded that "they believe there is a god", while 48% answered that "they believe there is some sort of spirit or life force" and 11% stated that "they do not believe there is any sort of spirit, god, or life force"
vienīgais, ko vēl gribas piebilst, ka - saules sistēmā taču dzīvojam, ne? I kind of see this having taken the shape of one big lunar empire with two cold, retarded (in their own special way :D) moons.