visbiežāk spama emailos saņemu penis enlargement piedāvājumus, tāpēc šodien biju izbrīnīts, saņemot uzaicinājumus stāties suņu dresēšanas kursos. vairrākkārt rūpīgi pārlasot mācību programmu, nevaru atbrīvoties no aizdomām, ka tomēr arī šis piedāvājums ir to pašu, kas parasti:
How to speed up training results by taking advantage of your dog's instincts
An amazingly simple way to get fast results using your dog's "ball drive"
The right way to use food in your training program (hint: don't use food as a bribe!)
Insider secrets on how to easily use a 30 foot long line for off-leash training
The top 4 ways to communicate with your dog
Discover the most important difference between the pinch collar and the choke chain
What is dog training, and how do you really get quick results
How to use vocal tonation and voice inflection to get the most out of your dog