Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

16. Novembris 2010

(bez virsraksta) @ 19:20

Saņēmu šodien epastu no Sandras.
viņa raksta: "I am Sandra Bamba, the only daughter of late Mr. and Mrs. Sodjo Bamba. My father was a very wealthy cocoa merchant in Abidjan, the economic capital of Ivory coast, my father was poisoned to death by his business associates on one of their outings on a business trip.
My mother died when I was a baby and since then my father took me so special. Before the death of my father on 24 December 2008 in a private hospital here in Abidjan he secretly called me on his bed side and told me that he has the sum of Four million ,five hundred thousand United State Dollars.USD($4.500,000) left in a suspense account in an international bank based in Abidjan, Ivory Coast,that he used my name as his only Daughter for the next of Kin in depositing of the fund. He also explained to me that it was because of this wealth that he was poisoned by his business associates. utt."


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Date: 16. Novembris 2010 - 20:28

Brīnumzemes pasakas

Sandras māte esot bijusi latviete, ieceļojusi Ziloņkaula krastā pēc Angolas kara kopā ar padomju tiltu inženieru grupu, lai palīdzētu celt tiltu pār upi, kurā tobrīd līdz ceļiem iebridis makšķerēja jaunais nabadzīgais āfrikāņu zēns Sodjo. Viņiem piedzima meita, kuru māte uzstāja nosaukt par Sandru. Inženieru grupas vienīgājā kasešu pleijerī "Duets" caurām diennaktīm skanošā Sandra bija mātei palīdzējusi izdzīvot tālajā un nepazīstamajā zemē.
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Date: 16. Novembris 2010 - 20:49
Operas librets gatavs
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Date: 16. Novembris 2010 - 21:38

Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata