Smagi sēri
Lauku mātes
Elpa pūta;
Pāri pļavām
Rudens tvaika
Vēsmu sūta.
Vēsmas drēbe
Miglas šūta;
Pērļu smaga
Vīle velkas,
Liecas rūta -
Nobirst rūta,
Nobirst astra - -
Sirds tik grūta.
Serious series
Rural mothers
Breath foams;
Across the meadows
Autumn steam
Vēsma shipped.
Vesma cloth
Fog is shipped;
Pearl severe
Vīle pulled
Bending Rūta --
Nobirst rue,
Nobirst astra - --
Heart so difficult.
Rural mothers
Breath foams;
Across the meadows
Autumn steam
Vēsma shipped.
Vesma cloth
Fog is shipped;
Pearl severe
Vīle pulled
Bending Rūta --
Nobirst rue,
Nobirst astra - --
Heart so difficult.