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(bez virsraksta) @ 00:32

Apollo: "Tirgotājiem konfiscē divas tonnas ar nelabu pārtiku. PVD inspektori Ogrē izņēmuši no apgrozības 370 kilogramus, Talsos - 210, Rīgā - 200, Liepājas rajonā - 170 , bet Rēzeknē un Ludzā atbilstoši 100 un 130 kilogramus."

(bez virsraksta) @ 00:53

LETA: "Tiesa paplašina Britnijas Spīrsas tikšanos ar bērniem"

(bez virsraksta) @ 13:40

kāds atceras, kas tas bija par mācību priekšmetu "Ritmika", kuros gados to mācīja un kāda bija tā iekļaušanas mācību programmā ideja?

(bez virsraksta) @ 13:50

turpinot evaņģelizāciju - Lū Rīda labāko dziesmu (ierakstu) izlase:

1. Ecstasy (2000. gada albuma versija)
2. Ecstasy (2004. gada koncertieraksts no albuma Animal serenade)

"They call you ecstasy
Nothing ever sticks to you..."

3. Raven (E.A.Po dzejoļa deklamācija koncertā, 2004. gadā)

4. Vicious (1998. gada koncertieraksts no albuma Perfect Night)

You hit me with a flower
You do it every hour
Ohh, baby youre so vicious..."

5. Harry's Circumcision (no 1992. gada albuma Magic and Loss)

"Harry looked into the mirror thinking of Vincent Van Gogh
and with a quick swipe lopped off his nose
And happy with that he made a slice where his chin was
He's always wanted a dimple
The end of all illusion
Then peering down straight between his legs
Harry thought of the range of possibilities
A new face a new life no memories of the past
and slit his throat from ear to ear
Harry woke up with a cough the stitches made his wince
A doctor smiled at him from somewhere across the room
Son we saved your life but you'll never look the same
And when he heard that, Harry had to laugh
Although it hurt Harry had to laugh"

(bez virsraksta) @ 15:22

un te Lū Rīds pāris vārdos izstāsta, kā kļūt par rokzvaigzni ar trīs akordu palīdzību: Intro no koncerta Animal Serenade

(bez virsraksta) @ 15:30

Divi veci kurkuļi, jeb How to Look Like a Rock Star

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