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[Dec. 9th, 2018|10:04 pm]
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ļoti interesants raksts par Perta mūzikas attiecībām ar pareizticību
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[User Picture]
Date:December 10th, 2018 - 12:15 am
Wow! Man nebija ne jausmas par viņu, paldies ka iepostoji! Viss uzrakstītais, šķiet tik galēji atpazīstams.

"The Icelandic singer-composer Björk has said that she hears two voices in Pärt’s work: “Pinocchio,” making mistakes, bearing and inflicting pain; and the other “Jiminy Cricket,” whose role is both to comfort the erring one and to keep him in line. Another author compared these voices to a toddler learning how to walk and a mother accompanying it at every step with outstretched arms, ready to correct and catch it: one voice is potentially straying, the other is there gently to right its way. When Michael Stipe of the band R.E.M. called Pärt’s work “a house on fire and an infinite calm,” he identified the paradox of simultaneous turmoil and stillness, neither one fully ex­pressed without the other."
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Date:December 10th, 2018 - 02:54 pm
Paldies. Es to atceros no laika, kad lasīju, kā tapa viņa skaņdarbs Credo.