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reliģiskais moments

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[Dec. 9th, 2017|06:22 pm]
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A mind freed of conceptual knowing is wisdom itself. It is the realization of Truth. What can we honestly say about Truth? Nothing. It is beyond words and thoughts. It is beyond concepts. And yet that doesn't stop us from talking about it anyway. And that's fine, as long as we're not attached to what we say, and as long as we inform our listeners that these are just words, not Truth. If we're skillful and the listener is open, these words can point to Truth. They can lead to this direct experience. But the words themselves are never Truth.
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Date:December 9th, 2017 - 08:10 pm
applied linguistics :)
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Date:December 14th, 2017 - 11:58 pm
man likās, ka tieši 'removed"
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Date:December 15th, 2017 - 12:13 am
man nāk prātā de sasīre basic zīmju skaidrojumi - ka zīme, apzīmētājs, un apzīmētais nav viens un tas pats.
te jau uz to pašu autors rāda - ka patiesība un vārdi, kuros tā ietērpta komunikācijas nolūkā, nav viens un tas pats.

koks ir kkas daudz vairāk par "koks", kaut "koks" simbolizē koka konceptu - ideju par koku. tieši tāpat dievs ir vairāk par "dievs", īstenība - par "īstenība" utt.
apzīmētā realitāte vienmēr ir lielāka par šīs realitātes konceptu.
[User Picture]
Date:December 15th, 2017 - 09:55 am
un vārds tapa miesa
zīme un apzīmējamais tapa viens