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reliģiskais moments

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[Jun. 18th, 2017|11:36 am]
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Date:June 18th, 2017 - 12:25 pm
"I often like to think that our map of the world is wrong, that where we have centered physics, we should actually place literature as the central metaphor that we want to work out from. Because I think literature occupies the same relationship to life that life occupies to death. A book is life with one dimension pulled out of it. And life is something that lacks a dimension which death will give it. I imagine death to be a kind of release into the imagination in the sense that for characters in a book, what we experience is an unimaginable dimension of freedom."
[User Picture]
Date:June 18th, 2017 - 12:42 pm
Nu jā, šī manuprāt ir no trakajām intixikācijas domām :)
grūti piekrist bet varbūt tāpēc, ka ir pārāk daudz sliktas literatūras
[User Picture]
Date:June 18th, 2017 - 02:26 pm
man vispār to domu ir grūti saprast, bet iztēlojos šādi: nāve definē (norobežo) dzīvi, un uzrakstīta (tātad definēta) dzīve ir nostādīta mūžības priekšā, pat ja turpinās ārpus uzrakstītā. par pašām beigām man ir vēl grūtāk saprast.
[User Picture]
Date:June 18th, 2017 - 03:05 pm
Domāju, tāpēc, ka tā ir narkotiku, visticamāk marihuānas reibumā izvirzīta tēze. Mēs taču visi tādas pazīstam.
[User Picture]
Date:June 18th, 2017 - 03:06 pm
Man ir bijis daudz ģeniālu ideju, kas beidzot izveido visiem derīgu pasaules modeli, atklājot vēl nepamanītas saistības :D