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reliģiskais moments

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[Jan. 30th, 2016|05:09 pm]
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Ir cilvēki, par ko man ir skaidrs, ka dievs man vinus ir sūtījis, lai es kaut ko iemācos, bet daźi arī ir tādi par ko man ir pilnīgi skaidrs ka dievs viniem ir sūtījis mani.
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Date:January 30th, 2016 - 07:57 pm
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Date:January 30th, 2016 - 10:13 pm
Šodien veikalā redzēju smaržas ar nosaukumu de profundis. "Duglasā", fantastiski aromāti, SEARGE LUTENS. Zin, tie jaunie brendi, kas nemsaržo pēc smaržām. Es tomēr nopirku RAHÄT LOUKOUM.
Reefillus var nopirkt internetā.
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Date:February 1st, 2016 - 04:15 pm
pasmaržošu kad būšu tuvumā!
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Date:February 1st, 2016 - 04:35 pm
Tas bija Spices Duglass, bet varbūt ir arī citos.
Date:January 31st, 2016 - 10:46 am
kã no žižeka - in a classic Soviet joke in which Brezhnev dies and is taken to Hell; however , since he was a great leader, he is given the privilege to be taken on a tour and select his room there. The guide opens a door and Brezhnev sees Khruschev sitting on a sofa, passionately kissing Marilyn Monroe in his lap; he joyously exclaims: "I wouldn't mind being in this room!" The guide snaps back: 'Don't be too eager, comrade! This is not the room in hell for Khruschev , but for Marilyn Monroe!'
[User Picture]
Date:January 31st, 2016 - 11:05 pm
Jā apm tā