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?style=mine - Small victories [jaunākie raksti|arhīvs|draugi|pa mani]

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Small victories [9. Feb 2012|19:58]
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"Sometimes I thought she might honestly like me, which was so ridiculous is almost could have been true. Empirically speaking, she really couldn't: we hardly talked, she knew almost nothing about me besides my first name, and I was drunk every time she saw me. But you can never tell with these things. People get stupid and delusional, sometimes on purpose. It's an easy way to turn a casual nothing of a relationship into some tragic half-assed epic, an excuse to use words like love and loss and get melodramatic about the life you wish you were leading. It's the poor man's English Patient starring somebody you never really cared about anyway."

Paul Neilan - Apathy and other small victories.
saiteMan ir ko teikt

[User Picture]
Date:10. Februāris 2012 - 02:09
[User Picture]
Date:10. Februāris 2012 - 09:39
poor man's English Patient - rofl
[User Picture]
Date:10. Februāris 2012 - 12:25
Vispar tas nav tikai par potenicālām attiecībām vien. Vienkārši gadās cilvēki, kas tev ir redzējuši tikai smagā pālī, pietam tu nebūt neesi uzvedies gana adekvāti, bet tu viņiem venalga, nezkādēļ patīc. Un tev nav ne jausmas kādēļ tā, jo nav iegūldīts nekāds darbs jebkādu attiecību radīšanai.

[User Picture]
Date:26. Jūlijs 2014 - 18:35
Hei. Ja ir vēlme man sekot, es savu veco cibiņu neveiksmīgā kārtā pazaudēju.

Šeit ir jaunā: http://klab.lv/users/m31/