Jūnijs 16., 2006
19:52 - What am i, what am i to do(?)! Man vienkarsi vajag, lai soreiz paruna ar mani. Ta ka es ar citiem runaju.
God, am i a failure of the human race.
From: | shiry |
Date: | 16. Jūnijs 2006 - 20:04 |
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The heck. You're not a failure.
| From: | coda |
Date: | 17. Jūnijs 2006 - 11:19 |
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what on earth makes you think i'm not?!
| From: | sick |
Date: | 17. Jūnijs 2006 - 12:13 |
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bushs, kalviitis, piiljknaabis, babuiins, kazuaars pietiks?
| From: | coda |
Date: | 17. Jūnijs 2006 - 12:37 |
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nu nu nu! esmu pavisam cita failure kategorija! ..viņi, vismaz tie pirmie, ir vienkārši stulba, es esmu stulba tikai dažās jomās, bet failure that i am es esmu vienalga, tas tāds plīvurs pār mani..
| From: | sick |
Date: | 17. Jūnijs 2006 - 12:55 |
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you're not as desperate as you wish to be + taa domaa tikai tu and that doesn't count
| From: | coda |
Date: | 18. Jūnijs 2006 - 12:03 |
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i know i am not that desperate... but that doesnt make me less desperate than i am.
From: | shiry |
Date: | 17. Jūnijs 2006 - 12:17 |
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I've had the honour of seeing some such failures and you are nothing like those.
| From: | coda |
Date: | 17. Jūnijs 2006 - 12:52 |
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i object! i'm a one of a kind failure.
| From: | shiry |
Date: | 17. Jūnijs 2006 - 12:54 |
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Well. At least you're special!
and being special makes you unable to be a failure;) because you ARE here, you are NOT a failure, haven't you heard this one? |
Sviesta Ciba |