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Jan. 18., 2013 | 04:07 pm
"These are the things we dont deal in physics. There is a tall building. A standart physics problem. And object falls from the tall building. Object could be a person. So we dont ask: "why is this guy ending it all today?" We don't know and we can't deal with that. We just want to know when he is going to hit the ground. And with what speed."
Ramamurti Shankar, John Randolph Huffman Professor of Physics
Ramamurti Shankar, John Randolph Huffman Professor of Physics
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date: Jan. 18., 2013 - 04:28 pm
Psiholoģija → kognitīvā zinātne → neirozinātne → bioloģija → ķīmija → fizika, bet šī redukcija būtu tik neiedomājami resursietilpīga, ka tas arī ir the iemesls tam, kādēļ mums joprojām ir un būs visas šīs disciplīnas vienas tīras fizikas vietā.
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date: Jan. 18., 2013 - 05:39 pm
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