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Posted on 2011.08.25 at 08:57


[info]brookings Tā Kunga 2011-08-25 12:19 (Link)
You know there is, apparently, some truth in myths - so be careful what you wish for!
[info]brr Tā Kunga 2011-08-25 12:20 (Link)
If package is enough vibrant, nobody will be willing to notice that. Perhaps.
[info]brookings Tā Kunga 2011-08-25 12:29 (Link)
So the more colour and life, the less the visible the truth?
It seems that the truth is not only tiring, it's pretty dull (and lifeless).
[info]brr Tā Kunga 2011-08-25 12:34 (Link)
only if you associate colourfulness with being alive and fulfilled with life. Truth can be colourful as well, depends how colourful and vibrant package is (for example - language in which one is expressed, if of course any system can express truth)

[info]brookings Tā Kunga 2011-08-25 12:50 (Link)
So although colour and vibrancy can reveal truth, colour and vibrancy can also obscure it - if the truth can be perceived, at all.

Therefore, the more colourful and vibrant the myth, the harder it is to perceive truth.

Yet, you would, perhaps, like a myth (a colourful and vibrant one?) because hearing the truth about your inability to influence the political process through the ballot box is tiring?

So, the question is more about sensory boosts to our energy levels, perhaps?
[info]brr Tā Kunga 2011-08-25 23:03 (Link)
I would like people to have that myth (lack of good political myth for myself is not so important any more, probably other issues are, but that another topic), otherwise sometimes it looks,that people are killing themselves, while living in permanent situation, when their ethical norms strongly contradict "truth" about politics. Permanent sate of disappointment.
In a way question in strongly connected to "sensory boosts to our energy levels".
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