Posted by brookings on 2011.08.25 at 12:50
So although colour and vibrancy can reveal truth, colour and vibrancy can also obscure it - if the truth can be perceived, at all.
Therefore, the more colourful and vibrant the myth, the harder it is to perceive truth.
Yet, you would, perhaps, like a myth (a colourful and vibrant one?) because hearing the truth about your inability to influence the political process through the ballot box is tiring?
So, the question is more about sensory boosts to our energy levels, perhaps?
Therefore, the more colourful and vibrant the myth, the harder it is to perceive truth.
Yet, you would, perhaps, like a myth (a colourful and vibrant one?) because hearing the truth about your inability to influence the political process through the ballot box is tiring?
So, the question is more about sensory boosts to our energy levels, perhaps?