***sludinaajums***sludinaajums*** |
[Aug. 2nd, 2011|01:27 pm] |
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Par rindaam, es neko nezinu. Vienigais, ko varu pateikt ir tas, ka ja shis piedavaajums ir aktuaals kaadiem, tad no muusu puses (val. centrs, kam ir gods veikt shos kursus), dariisim viss ko varam, lai paliidzeetu draugiem, pazinjaam utt. "tikt" pie shis iespeejas.
From: | chaika |
Date: | August 2nd, 2011 - 02:14 pm |
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Skaidrs, man te viena nesen saņēma ziņu, ka rindu sagaidījusi - Durbe kaut kas tur.. tā kā nav vairs īsti aktuāli, tikai ieinteresējos.
Skaidrs, jebkuraa gadijumaa, droshi var zinjot man, ja tev skiet, ka vareeshu paliidzeet.
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/172532/275) | From: | punkts |
Date: | August 2nd, 2011 - 02:40 pm |
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Jaa, starp citu, shodien, kad seedeeju sveshaa birojaa, gaidot kaut ko, es dziirdeeju a bubbling of noise in the open plan office - like a pan on heat, the large deep slopping deflating bubbles slapping a 'beet Jani, tachu" on the surface, and the more tremulous twittering of the female at the sides. Outside a truck was panting without an adjective, the sound rebounding off the buildings in the yard, only without end because the engine hadn't been switched off. I catch a glimpse (TM) of red high heels - red foot resting on left foot, and calf and knee which is tilted downward, thereby tilting the part of the body I don't see towards the information on the screen - towards the source, towards the heat: a normal slavish workaday pose. The glass door then opens wider, and I proceed to turn myself on.
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/172532/275) | From: | punkts |
Date: | August 2nd, 2011 - 03:13 pm |
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Latvietis grib, lai vinju pish staavus. | |