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Aug. 2nd, 2011|02:52 pm

Jaa, starp citu, shodien, kad seedeeju sveshaa birojaa, gaidot kaut ko, es dziirdeeju a bubbling of noise in the open plan office - like a pan on heat, the large deep slopping deflating bubbles slapping a 'beet Jani, tachu" on the surface, and the more tremulous twittering of the female at the sides. Outside a truck was panting without an adjective, the sound rebounding off the buildings in the yard, only without end because the engine hadn't been switched off. I catch a glimpse (TM) of red high heels - red foot resting on left foot, and calf and knee which is tilted downward, thereby tilting the part of the body I don't see towards the information on the screen - towards the source, towards the heat: a normal slavish workaday pose.
The glass door then opens wider, and I proceed to turn myself on.
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