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Re "Don't isolate your own dick" [Nov. 21st, 2009|05:23 pm]
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Pīrms gadiem 12iem, mēs (Ray Speedway and the Devils of Pace) taisījām t-kreklus ar apgalvojumu "Don't isolate your own dick". Bija Luka idēja taisīt kustība pret šo paradību (Dick isolation): Bija dziesma "Charlie's Dick", kas izklausās, kā "someone chiselling their fingers off". Bija lūgums (tiešām!) publicēt tekstu - līdz ar to -- lūdzu: Ah, Luke joprojām ir aktīvs ( un te Jums ir iespēja dungot līdzi burvīgo dziesmiņu "Drink Yourself to Death"

charlie had no sex, he was not amazed at his dick

how could he sense the thrill of this growing shrinking thing

which is just the tip of the miracle of spiritual

it's the bottom of this iceberg, unseen, that sinks his ship

shatters with torpedos of a million tiny fish -

they jump and swoop,

scratch and jump


he wanted it nailed down - well, it has been;

but you must trust.  knowledge lust will never ever wash

sewing without thread are those who isolate their own dicks

it's a limb and not a crutch, it won't extend that much

heart is constituent part - lust wonder lost, wounded spirit

what has been joined together no man can split

cos such feeling is the tip of the miracle of spiritual -

what starts heart beating also sparks such needing


he had no awe, did not cry "cor!", as child or adult at the core

in paralysis of analysis of a billion now-twinned grinning fish

he dolefully mouths along to jim morrison's

"lament for the death of my cock"

but the living grows and shrinks,

defying measurement

to prove that smallest becomes big

an object in metamorphosis

speaks own tongue with no logic -

such feelings just the tip

... but Charlie had no sex

he was not amazed at his dick

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[User Picture]
Date:November 22nd, 2009 - 10:57 am
studentu korporācijā sastāvēji?
[User Picture]
Date:November 22nd, 2009 - 12:27 pm

Nē, taču... 'sastāvēju'- izklausas pēc Latviešu vārdu spēles (vai tā ir mana deģenerēta iztele?).
[User Picture]
Date:November 22nd, 2009 - 08:33 pm
skatījos šo, un atcerējos par izvēlēm un iespējām.

"as long as you don't choose, everything remains possible"
[User Picture]
Date:November 23rd, 2009 - 07:08 pm
nu jā - bet dažadās iespējas, kā lai saka ...wither on the vine