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Matching patterns to confirm belief: turpinaajums: [Dec. 13th, 2021|12:19 pm]
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"Worried Manchester United teammates rushed to Lindelof’s aid when he went down seemingly with no other players in close proximity. Medics also raced onto the pitch as the stricken Lindelof pointed to his chest, complaining that he was struggling to breathe."

"On Sunday, Napoli midfielder Piotr Zielinski asked to come off during a match with Empoli after suffering from respiratory problems. The 27-year-old was seen walking to the touchline and telling medical staff that he was having trouble breathing properly. He too pointed at his chest."
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[User Picture]
Date:December 13th, 2021 - 01:20 pm
Par to matching patterns, interesanti, vai uz to norādošie cilvēki arī domājas, ka tieši to pašu viņi dara arī ar kovida nāvēm? Kad kāds nomirst no kovida, vai tas ir tāpēc, ka šis cilvēkam jau tāpat nebija laba veselība, vai arī tāpēc, ka kovids ir ārkārtīgi bīstams?
[User Picture]
Date:December 13th, 2021 - 01:29 pm
jo ir aarkaartiigi biistams, protams.
shie sportisti arii ciesh no kovida jo
nav iespeejams ciest no vakciinas
fakts, ka vinji shaadi nekrita tad, kad bija kovids, bet nebija vakciinas
neko nenoziime
mees, kuri mekleejam patternus ir lohi.
Date:December 13th, 2021 - 09:22 pm

Dept. Of Pandemia is sick of the epidemic of the world’s elite soccer players annoying viewers by grabbing their chests onscreen
[User Picture]
Date:December 14th, 2021 - 12:00 pm
I liked the comments (well I would if I weren't the father of a football player) of integrating players disappearing down the tunnel with chest issues into the video games.