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How I would explain it in English to someone from home [Aug. 15th, 2021|09:34 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:August 15th, 2021 - 11:18 pm
Clif High is really interesting guy. I introduced him to myself on forumborealis channel on youutbe, where he talked about annunaki and that sort of primordial stuff. No matter how much of that is plausible, he is indeed wildly entertaining and thought provoking person. And merely pleasant to listen to.
[User Picture]
Date:August 15th, 2021 - 11:24 pm
Njā! Paldies, Doora! Es jau dzeru čaga tēju :)

I recommended him to my daughter. She liked the concept of woo: the known and unknown unknowns that have no interest in whether we are aware of them or not. A way of looking at enlightenment in our times.

Probably helps that he has already died once.
[User Picture]
Date:August 21st, 2021 - 06:45 am
Blessings, dear humans! :)