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The computer says 'no' [Aug. 5th, 2021|11:08 am]
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No epasta no veca drauga, kas dzīvo Skotijā:

"After we spoke I had some food and went round the corner to a local bar. Out of interest, I asked the waitress if I could have a beer outside, as others were doing. She said I'd have to scan into "Track and Trace". (Outside?!) I said I have no phone that will work with that tech. She said, "You'll struggle then, that's how you access the menu as well" - and walked off.
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[User Picture]
Date:August 5th, 2021 - 12:14 pm
Jaunā mode. Es pirms mēneša Odesā iegāju tādā restorānā, kur ēdienkarte bija paslēpta aiz QR koda. Bez telefona nebaro. Gāju tālāk.
[User Picture]
Date:August 5th, 2021 - 12:17 pm
malacis :)
[User Picture]
Date:August 5th, 2021 - 08:38 pm
Pēdējā laikā esmu gājis vairākos Saulkrastu veikalos bez maskas un neviens neko nesaka. Pat daži pārdevēji jau vairs nevalkā vai tā tīri formāli uz zoda tur. Būs laikam jāmēģina visur iet iekšā bez un ja nu ļoti lūgs, tad uzvilkšu.
[User Picture]
Date:August 6th, 2021 - 05:55 pm
mazas uzvaras - nopirku pirms dažām dienām vistu wire bez maskas. Pārdeveja bija ļoti jauka. As though we had got in a time machine and gone back to the 1970s together :)