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[Jun. 9th, 2021|10:09 am]
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[User Picture]
Date:June 9th, 2021 - 12:31 pm
I had read about that journalist before. Guess what - journalists do indeed die. And if 1 out of 100 000 has a risk of dying after taking the vaccine, that 1 might as well be a journalist.

I do not know many people personally, at least to extent of being in contact with them on a regular basis. So sample size is what it is. However, my sample confirms the official statistics and risk assessment. Good enough for me.

How about you?
[User Picture]
Date:June 9th, 2021 - 12:39 pm
Sample size of 10? Whatever winds your clock.
We, of course, don't know about long-term effects. I will help with that by volunteering to be in the control group.
[User Picture]
Date:June 9th, 2021 - 12:55 pm
I knew you would throw in something new when your previous claims (vaccine kills) turn out impossible to prove. Long-term effects can and should be studied and risk accordingly assessed and managed - by doctors. Which is already being done. If you want to go on living in fear of all possible risks, good luck, I personally don't think that is any good strategy. In a long-term analysis we will all be dead anyway.
[User Picture]
Date:June 9th, 2021 - 01:40 pm
MHRA website in the UK