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[Jun. 2nd, 2021|10:36 am]
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Date:June 3rd, 2021 - 11:39 am

According to the singer of Jefferson Airplane the 'white rabbit' symbolises curiosity.

She, the singer, has no insights concerning pink flamingoes. I will search dream interpretation sites for clarity - though of course, the rabbit wanted to go swimming in a swimming pool which doesn't exist.

Personally, I think Lynch could have directed that.

Baloži has, animalistically, identity issues. The name is 'Pigeons', the symbol is a frog, and now a rabbit enters the fray. We know have real pigeons in town. Someone released them. They will make a good food source in the coming apocalypse as they are really docile.
[User Picture]
Date:June 3rd, 2021 - 05:53 pm
I am almost sure in the beginning of video Rabbit turns on TV and in one of the channels he flips through there is Soviet film Kindzadza on. So maybe there are Soviet or Russian connotations I cannot fully read. However, there was a Russian cartoon Nu Pogodi! about white rabbit fighting wolf in my childhood, I recall.

Maybe pink flamingo comes from Lewis Carol, not Jefferson Airplane Alice in Wonderland. She played croquet there using flamingoes as sticks!

It still makes no sense at all. Except, that authors drug of choice is probably non-edible mushrooms.
[User Picture]
Date:June 3rd, 2021 - 06:28 pm
It is very likely their campaign manager does not trust Vienoti Latvijai party either. I really wonder how they managed to convince party board that white rabbit is a good campaign idea. Imagine this (zoom) meeting with those creatives and Ainars Slesers fat neck business associates in blue suits where they present the idea. How did they keep straight faces while explaining the concept?
[User Picture]
Date:June 4th, 2021 - 11:22 am
Thank you for your thoughts:

You have to understand that the tensions that have been suppressed in Pigeons have resulted in strange and curious manifestations in the Political landscape (not dissimilar to the Planet Pluke).

Say what you like about thick-necked schemers, but they are no fools. Kindzadza will appeal to the intellectual steeped in the soviet - be they Latvian or Russian. The cartoon, too, will appeal to the descendants of the Peat men and women who grace the old town.

And finally, the middle-class clothing of the rabbit will appeal to the young active families who have forsaken Riga, but would still like somewhere to SWIM that is clean.

they could pull it off yet