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[Jun. 2nd, 2021|10:36 am]
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Date:June 4th, 2021 - 11:22 am
Thank you for your thoughts:

You have to understand that the tensions that have been suppressed in Pigeons have resulted in strange and curious manifestations in the Political landscape (not dissimilar to the Planet Pluke).

Say what you like about thick-necked schemers, but they are no fools. Kindzadza will appeal to the intellectual steeped in the soviet - be they Latvian or Russian. The cartoon, too, will appeal to the descendants of the Peat men and women who grace the old town.

And finally, the middle-class clothing of the rabbit will appeal to the young active families who have forsaken Riga, but would still like somewhere to SWIM that is clean.

they could pull it off yet