You could also view it using an argument that you have made well in our discussions, namely that Latvia is a small country whose independence is conditional to say the least. I agree with you, by the way. Latvia has no real financial independence and is a small voice in the EU. It would be, therefore, in a very weak position if it chose to buck the global currents - be it in how the 4th Industrial Revolution is implemented, or how the global (or European citizenry) is managed (as in Tony Blair's recommendation for a global vaccine passport scheme through the G7).
These decisions will roll over Latvia like the weather. It will just be assumed that this is the way we are going, and this is how we have to adjust. Those opposing it will just be dismissed as idiot Luddites.
The 'shadowy figures' pushing for these policies could be found among the members of the WEF, for example. The members (about 1,000) are major corporations, banks etc that each have more than five billion dollars in turnover. Just on a non-conspiracy level, they have enormous lobbying power on the European Commission - for example, far more than small indebted nation states. The Gates foundation, through its funding also has enormous influence on the WHO. What can the Latvia government do to stand against this? Nothing - even if they wanted to. None of this is extraordinary. It is just happening relentlessly and remorselessly.