The stakes are so high, I have difficulty believing anything, especially in relation to such a slippery phenomenon as this one. My scepticism. of course, is probably a sign of the times (general distrust of authority figures and institutions), but once you understand an aspect of the world is nothing like you had been led to believe (in my case the nature of the banking system), it is almost impossible to regain that pleasant credulity towards the official narrative.
It is a shame. I would like to believe it really is definitely true that masks (as opposed to respirators) can stop the spread of a virus from asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic people. It would mean I wouldn't entertain thoughts about this being a massive social experiment to see what we will put up with regarding loss of liberties - and I would certainly be happier as a result. I wouldn't be looking at the benefits to the banks (trilions at negative interest rates to the ECB, formal adoption of zero-reserve lending at the Fed) and other financial parasites. I wouldn't be wondering how Big pharma could clean up as we will be desperate to take a vaccine to get out of 'this' - including, for example, being able to take the masks of our young kids at school. I wouldn't be worrying about how we have begged to be tagged and bagged, tracked and traced for our own benefit as we enter the dystopian Internet of Things. I wouldn't be concerned at the WEF's predictions of a world where we own nothing in 2030. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest that the members of the WEF are the biggest banks and corporations on the planet, each of which has a turnover of over 5 billion. And I wouldn't be putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with an odd number as I watch the destruction of small business, the self-employed, and a subsequent reliance on handouts (probably in the form of a UBI) from states using a fiat digital currency run by Central banks.
But there you go. It is too late for me now. I am lost, so to speak. I looked it up (asymptomatic transmission). There are many varying opinions. Who knows? WHO can you trust? Is the world reassuringly more chaotic and the players much better-intentioned than I fear. I hope so, but I doubt it.