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WEF Cosy chat [Nov. 13th, 2020|02:00 pm]
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Date:November 14th, 2020 - 09:58 am

Re: Stakeholder capitalism

Jā - playing the bad guy who is allowed on the stage (like Tommy Robinson in the UK). I just sometimes wonder if he didn't actually fall in love with being loved by his base, and decided to actually, in a way, represent their interests (working-class socially conservative). That would be amusing. Imagine, he actually became too popular, and they had to employ mass fraud to win the election with a guy who finger-fucked an intern (allegedly) among a host of other indiscretions (which they either banned reference to or supressed). 'They' btw are the scriptwriters. an actor gone rogue.

It works in a way - this thesis - because all the intelligent, right-thinking people hate him, and have voted for a guy who is basically going to be a neo-con warmonger (IMHO). Trump never started or ramped up an existing war, which is an interesting phenomenon for a US president...okay I am rambling now.