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[Oct. 22nd, 2020|03:46 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:October 23rd, 2020 - 11:49 am
Well, and very little of this is actually being implemented. So many countries started messing with border controls and heavy travel restrictions, which is nonsense practically and only political signalling - as far as I recall from 201 they were against such moves. You see very few countries, like Sweden, holding against this trend.

Central authority? Oh boy, there is none, don't you see?
[User Picture]
Date:October 23rd, 2020 - 12:00 pm
Are there border restrictions on travel or freight?

The travel restrictions are there as a means of getting people to agree to bio ID, vaccine passes etc.

As for the existence/non-existence of central authorities, see my conversation with Begemotu (man slinkums atkartoties). I would just add that we are seeing WEF talking points like 'Great Reset' and 'build back better' finding their way into the lexicon of politicians - together with 'new normal', of course.
[User Picture]
Date:October 23rd, 2020 - 05:21 pm
I follow mostly Swedish news, and there has been absolutely no mention of such talking points, not even anything similar. There is a broad consensus that mild and acceptable restrictions, mostly in the form of recommendations, will be there for a bit longer time, through-out next year probably. That's about Sweden. Regarding Latvia I have to say I have lost patience to follow their news too closely, because so much idiocy is being said and done. I think the most spectacular was the public claim in May about how successful Latvia is in fighting covid. Now we see where this baseless self-righteousness has led.
[User Picture]
Date:October 23rd, 2020 - 05:27 pm
Not even 'new normal'? Wow, Sweden, eh? Who would have thought it?
[User Picture]
Date:October 26th, 2020 - 11:07 am
Nope, no such expressions in Swedish public domain.