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[Oct. 22nd, 2020|03:46 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:October 23rd, 2020 - 10:33 am
What you say is relatively true, regarding Latvia's current influence, but what are you comparing it with?

Do you think things would be geopolitically in any way better for Latvia, if it was outside EU? I would consider it a pipe dream, but I am open to arguments as to why that might not be true.

It seems best, if we could compare to some other country of more or less similar size, in Europe, outside EU. That gives us Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, North Makedonia and Moldova. I welcome comparisons.

I have no aversion to considering strings being pulled. I just don't see it as very productive, as (a) we have little reliable information, and (b) even if we have much information, what means do we have to do anything about whatever information we have? However, we can discuss whatever you would like to, for sure.

[User Picture]
Date:October 23rd, 2020 - 10:39 am
Might be nicer to do that over a beer or two than on social media :)

In general, though, and I suppose I am still stung from the 'simple-world-view' jibe, it seems that you agree with my point, more or less. I mean to the extent that a kind of supranational power exists, which obviously requires management that incorporates interest groups. That is pretty much all I had stated. I think it is especially important to recognise this when it comes to changes that will be brought about in our lives as a result of the reaction to CvD - i.e, for whose benefit are these changes?
[User Picture]
Date:October 23rd, 2020 - 10:54 am
Essentially I agree with you on that.

What might be the misunderstanding I caused, is that I don't believe in efficient supranational conspiracies whereby a small group of individuals pull the world strings with very meaningful goals (especially long term goals). That was the idea of my "world is not that simple" comment.

However, at all times there are groups and factions (especially those with already some power) who wish to impose things to their advantage on larger communities. That seems to me to be just the nature of humanity.