Comments: |
| From: | dunduks |
Date: | July 26th, 2016 - 12:14 pm |
| | Really?!?!?! :-DDD | (Link) |
American men, meanwhile, have plateaued in height since the 1960s, resulting in a drop from third place in 1914 to 37th place in 2014. That, the authors suggest, could be down to worsening levels of nutrition and greater inequalities.
| From: | brookings |
Date: | July 26th, 2016 - 12:32 pm |
| | Re: Really?!?!?! :-DDD | (Link) |
Jā - man tiešam ir lielas pēdas - par sievietēm te - vīņas labi ēd (vismaz laukos) un te ir līdzēna vieta (ta kā vinām ir kaut kāda priekšrocība būt garākas - tā pat ka Niderlandē) - kaut arī varētu būt citi ceļoni :)
| From: | dunduks |
Date: | July 26th, 2016 - 12:52 pm |
| | Re: Really?!?!?! :-DDD | (Link) |
Ne par tavām pēdām, ne NED/LAT garumiem nebrīnos (ok, LAT vīriešiem garumu maitāju tādi nepatīkami tipi kā es). Mani vienkārši sajūsmināja argumentācija par USA, kura galīgi neiet kopā ar veselo saprātu (daudz saprātīgāka ir pat versija, ka nēģeriem dzīve laukos ļāva augt garākiem nekā pilsētās šobrīd - principā, ja paskatās uz NBA, tad tur ir pat mazāk garo kā 80ajos).
| From: | brookings |
Date: | July 26th, 2016 - 12:54 pm |
| | Re: Really?!?!?! :-DDD | (Link) |
Ah - but what does 'American men' mean? Latinos are a lot shorter, and there are a lot more of them in the US now, than there were in 1914 (vismaz man tā liekas).
| From: | dunduks |
Date: | July 26th, 2016 - 12:59 pm |
| | Re: Really?!?!?! :-DDD | (Link) |
Ja American=USA, tad šī tava versija patiešām ir kā kulaks uz acs (un ņemot vērā, ka atsevišķi tika izdalītas visādas Gvatemalas, tad American diez vai attiecas uz abām Amērikām kopumā).
| From: | begemots |
Date: | July 26th, 2016 - 03:00 pm |
| | Re: Really?!?!?! :-DDD | (Link) |
Tiešām. Drīzāk: The fact that the mean height of the U.S. population has almost plateaued in the past decade suggests that the nutrient environment has almost maximized the genetic potential of height, at least in this country. Improved nutrition elsewhere may have similar benefits in terms of stature. // Scientific American, December 11, 2006
| From: | dunduks |
Date: | July 26th, 2016 - 03:01 pm |
| | Re: Really?!?!?! :-DDD | (Link) |
Jā, šis izskatās saprātīgi. | |