Comments: |
pārlasīju rūpīgi jūsu sarunu – you're hinting at things in her journal, which doesn't explain anything to me. ja godīgi, man nav ne mazākās jausmas, kādi ir sorosa viedokļi. tu nopietni apgalvo, ka es ar to satori rakstu (tu drošvien domā to nesenāko? es vispār bieži dalos ar satori rakstiem, ja tajos ir kaut kas tāds, ko es gribētu, lai arī citi izlasa) nedalītos, ja manā dzīvē nebūtu bijusi epizode "piedalījos brigāžu konkursā"? vai tu netici tam, ka es no savas brīvas gribas piekrītu, ka antibēgļu histērijā ir pilnīgi novārtā atstāts (entirely overlooked) būtisks aspekts par sieviešu situāciju eiropas sabiedrībās? lai saprastu tavu nostāju (un informētību), es gribētu precizēt pāris lietas, ko raksti: 1. would that we could all benefit – what does that mean 2. ko nozīmē "dāsni palīdzēt" 3. un ko nozīmē "palīdzēt miera ielai"
For Soros's position on THE THEME, see the quote in the original post or read the whole message (PO linked to it). Alternatively visit the site DOTS lv (formerly know as Sorosa fonds Latvija). There, you will see not only the vēstule no centrāleiropas, but also information on the event "Konsultācija par risinājumiem bēgļu uzņemšanas koordinēšanai". Te, no Providus (heavily funded by Soros) ir daži priekšlikumi:
13. Veikt attieksmes pret bēgļu uzņemšanu Latvijā cēloņu padziļinātu analīzi: 1) kādi ir nē nostājas motīvi: reprezentatīvi visās demogrāfiskajās grupās 14. Organizēt diskusijas un izglītojošas lekcijas reģionos, it īpaši ārpus Rīgas, par globālām migrācijas tendencēm un iemesliem, nodrošinot sabiedrības izpratnes veidošanos 22. Nodrošināt regulārus neformālus pasākumus iedzīvotāju iesaistīšanai atbalsta aktivitātēs bēgļiem.
Understand me please, I would have NO problem with any of the above if people's genuine concern about mass immigration wasn't dismissed as the xenophobic racist hysteria of the lumpen proles; if Latvia still had a say in its immigration policy (not as Soros declared "First , the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future. And, to do that, it must share the burden fairly — a principle that a qualified majority finally established at a Sept. 23 summit); and, finally, it wasn't heavily funded Soros NGO's that were pushing this policy. Call me old-fashioned, if you like.
Alternatively, and this really saddens me, you could read Satori lv to get George's perspective. Not only form DOTS valdes priekšēdētājs (Ijabs), but also from all the other contributors on THE THEME. Okay, maybe I missed an article that gave genuine, non-condescending consideration of a counter-view, but so far I 'aint seen any. Therefore, I am considering the thesis that the Latvian intelligentsia /chattering classes has been influenced/corrupted by Soros's money - it is speculation on my part, not an adamant claim, by the way, so please...
The incidents in Germany on New Year's Eve should have given those who had been dismissive of the concerned masses (aka 'hysterical poles') pause for thought and consideration. For some, it did. For others, it didn't. Laura, you remember the word 'disingenuous'? Well, that's what you were when you shared the article with the 'Ir kāds būtisks moments šajā visā – tas, kas notika Ķelnē, ir tikai koncentrētāks, intensīvāks atspoguļojums tam, kas notiek sieviešu ikdienā' and finished with the question about how many rapes took place in Riga that night. Nothing 'ļike that' happened here, and you know it. You also know, that actually, the question, in this case, IS about the behaviour and cultural norms of those recent immigrants. The article could have noted that, accepted it and then moved on to its central theme, but it didn't: it was just another thesis essay to conform with the Sartori editorial stance.
Okay, your questions: 1) apologies - tā bija nirgašana, kaut arī interesanti ka, starp brigādēm, kuri ir "...saņēmusi līdz pat 5000 latiem no Džordža Sorosa izveidotā Ārkārtas palīdzības fonda" ir brigades, kuras adrese ir Miera ielā - te ir saraksts: “PUKA dizains (Miera iela 50)”, “Buteljons (Miera iela 10)”, “Mājas svētība”, Skaņu mežs (Miera iela 12) un “TAKA (Miera iela 10)”. Vai es maldos? 2) ko nozīmē "dāsni palīdzēt" - nū es protams nezinu, cik katrs saņema, bet līdz 5,000 katram izklausās dāsni man. Jūs gribējāt vairāk? 3) skat augša - līdz 25,000 LV brigādēs Miera ielā.
Citu starpā, gribētu uzzināt pār materiālu palīdzību no Sorosa par projektiem, kur cilveki var darboties (un varbūt kaut ko saņemt) - piemēram caur Survival Kit pasakumos caur LM centru ar Sorosa naudu... bet pagaidam nezinu pietiek par to, lai kaut ko pateikt sakarīgi.
Karoče, viss ar šiem pasakumiem varētu būtu jauki un forši, bet es (and I'm sorry if this upsets you), will keep an eye on the editorial slant of publicly expressed comments by those who have benefited from the old fella's largesse.
don't you find it the least bit ironic that you have to give me links and copy stuff so that i know what exactly i'm supposed to be peddling?
lūdzu, nepārvērties par otro mazeltov, kas jauc sev patīkamā kokteilī faktus un fantāzijas, jauc cēloņus ar sekām (your mieriela conspiracy is funny) un piedevām bano visus, kuri norāda uz glaring faktu kļūdām.
and i do find it condescending that you're implying i can't have my own ideas.
for your keeping-an-eye, you're going to love this and probably have a svalka-style field day – did you know that lmc initially was smc, sorosa mākslas centrs? your beloved foe has been the source of funding for contemporary arts in the region since the countries regained independence. so please keep an eye on all artists, and don't forget boy preece by the way, we did both participate in this lmc šveices rūdis project.
If you read what I wrote, you will note that I didn't assume you knew what the Soros position was. That is why I gave you the information. My thesis/speculation is on how Soros money is influencing the Latvian intelligentsia - that is why I made the link to Satori articles. As for our own ideas, I am pretty sure (and this also applies to myself), that we are influenced by a multitude of factors, many of which we are entirely unaware of. As for the lmc-smc, I believe I wrote that I hadn't the information about that to discuss it. 'Keeping an eye' means watching out for group think - not asserting in all seriousness that you get a message from George himself telling you what opinions to express.
ha ha hysterical poles - the old freudian slip perhaps - should have read 'proles' | |