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pričom te soross? [Jan. 21st, 2016|11:55 am]
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Date:January 26th, 2016 - 01:23 pm
If you read what I wrote, you will note that I didn't assume you knew what the Soros position was. That is why I gave you the information. My thesis/speculation is on how Soros money is influencing the Latvian intelligentsia - that is why I made the link to Satori articles. As for our own ideas, I am pretty sure (and this also applies to myself), that we are influenced by a multitude of factors, many of which we are entirely unaware of. As for the lmc-smc, I believe I wrote that I hadn't the information about that to discuss it. 'Keeping an eye' means watching out for group think - not asserting in all seriousness that you get a message from George himself telling you what opinions to express.