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Roll up! Roll up! Skaidru naudu neņemam [Jun. 29th, 2015|04:39 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:June 30th, 2015 - 09:13 am
Starp citu, no kurienes tas pieņēmums par Grieķiju kā ļoti cashless? Tā ir? Man šķiet, ka tur visi tagad ķeksē laukā eiro no saviem matračiem un maksā skaidrā.

Bet vispār varbūt cashless nav tik traki. If push comes to shove, virtuālu drahmu tak ieviest ir vieglāk par papīra drahmu.
[User Picture]
Date:June 30th, 2015 - 09:38 am
With capital controls it is de facto going in that direction (how far, as I say, I don't know) - as for cashless, I'm okay with it as long as there is a form of it that isn't controlled by (the issuance of it controlled by) the banking class and/or it doesn't enter the economy as debt. You also, I am sure, need a currency off the tax/state radar, too - mainly to ensure people can survive in regulated system which doesn't work.