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Roll up! Roll up! Skaidru naudu neņemam [Jun. 29th, 2015|04:39 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:June 29th, 2015 - 07:18 pm
virtual evil conjured from nothing (at a cost to us) that ensures the recording of every transaction - some kind of brave new world is bound to follow
Date:June 30th, 2015 - 02:18 pm
mate, you are exaggerating.

yes, money and banks are basically evil and most probably we could live without them.

but the digital money is de facto more convenient. cash is traditionally used by maffia and other inhumane institutions.
[User Picture]
Date:June 30th, 2015 - 02:33 pm
Nothing wrong with money.
If banks lent money they actually had, that would also be okay.
Digital money would be okay if not introduced as debt, secure, and we had some privacy (otherwise you have total state control).
Cash gives you some independence: that's why there is so little of it.