Jā, Žižek, jā
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Sep. 13., 2016 | 10:47 am
Tas man atgādina arī to, man ir ilgās, garās sarunās nācies aizstāvēt pozīciju, ka, jā, liberālisms, ziniet, nav nesavietojams ar nacionālismu (my case). Ir tāds liberālnacionālisms? Nu, kur nav iebildumu, ka Milda ir melna, bet runā latviski, raud pie "Saule, Pērkons, Daugava" (nu, vai arī arī neraud :D) un mīl šo zemi kā tēvzemi, tajā pašā laikā (manis pēc) saglabājot savu otru nacionālo mantojumu, un kur valsts valoda vēl aizvien ir viena vienīga - latviešu?
Another problem with the left, the philosopher writes in his book, is a dangerous tendency to mythologize refugees as especially noble because of their suffering: “I don’t like this romantic false idea that suffering purifies you, that it makes you a noble person. It does not!” On the contrary, he says, “it makes you do anything to survive.”
This doesn’t mean Europe should be less committed to taking care of desperate people seeking shelter, he says—but Europeans should be more realistic about the kind of effort it takes to do so. “It’s easy to be humanitarian if your principle is that the others whom we are helping are good warm guys, friendly,” he says. “What if they are not? My point is that even in that case we should be helping them.
Marxist philosopher Slavoj Žižek explains why we shouldn’t pity or romanticize refugees
Another problem with the left, the philosopher writes in his book, is a dangerous tendency to mythologize refugees as especially noble because of their suffering: “I don’t like this romantic false idea that suffering purifies you, that it makes you a noble person. It does not!” On the contrary, he says, “it makes you do anything to survive.”
This doesn’t mean Europe should be less committed to taking care of desperate people seeking shelter, he says—but Europeans should be more realistic about the kind of effort it takes to do so. “It’s easy to be humanitarian if your principle is that the others whom we are helping are good warm guys, friendly,” he says. “What if they are not? My point is that even in that case we should be helping them.
Marxist philosopher Slavoj Žižek explains why we shouldn’t pity or romanticize refugees
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date: Sep. 14., 2016 - 12:08 pm
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date: Sep. 14., 2016 - 01:06 pm
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