Prof. Biezpientaures pētījumu centrs -

29. Sep 2016


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Date:29. Septembris 2016 - 10:51

Mēs lasām un saprotam, ka jums ir daļējs pamats raizēm, tagad sapratu, kamdēļ: Krievija kā valsts netiek nosaukta tieši par agresoru. Arī Kurskas 53. motorizētā pretgaisa vienība netiek minēta. Toties tiek skaidri pasacīts, ka iekārta atbrauca no Krievijas un vēlāk aizbrauca atpakaļ uz to.

Based on the above the JIT concludes that flight MH17 was shot down on 17 July 2014 by a missile of the 9M38 series, launched by a BUK-TELAR, from farmland in the vicinity of Pervomaiskiy (or: Pervomaiskyi). At that time, the area was controlled by pro-Russian fighters. Furthermore, the investigation also shows that the BUK-TELAR was brought in from the territory of the Russian Federation and subsequently, after having shot down flight MH-17, was taken back to the Russian Federation.

V Those involved
So much for our conclusions regarding what happened. Probably not everything of this, is new. But what matters today is that the criminal investigation has now advanced to the point where we can substantiate abovementioned conclusions with evidence. Of course, at the end of the day it is up to a court to render judgment.

What remains is the answer to the question: who were responsible for this? Which persons were involved in the delivery, security and removal of the BUK-TELAR and/or the shooting down flight MH17? In this part of the investigation significant progress has been made during the past two years, but more investigation is needed. Now that we know for sure what happened to flight MH17, in the coming period the investigation can fully focus on the answers to these kinds of questions.
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