Prof. Biezpientaures pētījumu centrs -

8. Okt 2008


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Date:9. Oktobris 2008 - 06:48


Martin (throwing down his napkin): Alright. That's it. I had enough of you two jackasses. I spent the whole night listening to you makin' cracks about the food, and the help. Well, I got news for you. People like this place. I like this place. And when you insult this restaurant you insult me. ...You know, I used to think you two took after your mother, liking the ballet and all that. But your mother liked a good ball game, too. She would even have a hot-dog once in a while. She may have had fancy taste but she had too much class to ever make me or anybody else feel second-rate. If she saw the way you two behaved tonight she'd be ashamed. I know I am.

(Martin leaves the restaurant.)
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