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Date: 21. Februāris 2023 - 13:53
Starp citu tagad atbilde izskatās pareiza:

"An Introduction to Combinatorics and Graph Theory" by David Guichard - This book provides a good introduction to the combinatorial properties of lists and their use in graph theory.

"Discrete Mathematics and its Applications" by Kenneth Rosen - This textbook covers the basics of combinatorics and provides a thorough introduction to the mathematical properties of lists.

"Concrete Mathematics" by Ronald Graham, Donald Knuth, and Oren Patashnik - This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the mathematical properties of lists, including generating functions, recurrence relations, and asymptotic analysis.

"Enumerative Combinatorics" by Richard Stanley - This textbook is a classic reference for the theory of combinatorial enumeration, including the mathematical properties of lists and their applications in counting problems.

"Combinatorics: Topics, Techniques, Algorithms" by Peter Cameron - This book covers a range of topics in combinatorics, including the mathematical properties of lists and their use in algorithm design.
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