Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - I'll build my own amusement park! With blackjack! And hookers!

About I'll build my own amusement park! With blackjack! And hookers!

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Date: 12. Marts 2012 - 20:10
O! Priecājos!

Regarding the points raised above, personally, I don't feel entitled to criticize other participants' work - the very fact that the rules dictate that you have to come up with something creative and interesting about an often bizzare theme in under 48 hours (or less - for me it was 24 hours) should rule out a publicly stated snobbish evaluation. We are all malači as far as I'm concerned.

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Date: 12. Marts 2012 - 20:46
Quite so.

This is my personal list anyway.
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