Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - Jānusiņu bandas

About Jānusiņu bandas

Previous Entry Jānusiņu bandas20. Sep 2011 @ 14:11 Next Entry
(ir doma)
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Date: 20. Septembris 2011 - 21:27
I see, however, I would like to point out that as long as such things are tried by lawful methods, there is usually plenty of professional competition, which might help keep things somewhat in balance.
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Date: 20. Septembris 2011 - 21:40
A fairish point, but I would stress the 'might' and the 'somewhat':)
[User Picture Icon]
Date: 20. Septembris 2011 - 22:32
Well, tas atkarīgs droši vien no tā, vai attiecīgajā nozarē ir arī privātuzņēmumi. Ja ir, tad šāda tipa likumus izbīdīt vairs nav ļoti viegli.

(ir doma)
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