Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - a/s "Pie joda"

About a/s "Pie joda"

Previous Entry a/s "Pie joda"5. Jun 2010 @ 21:34 Next Entry
(ir doma)
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Date: 5. Jūnijs 2010 - 22:49
We all pay eventually (laikam).

Or maybe not: was reading Bukowski recently (pulp) and his voice got into an old repressed personality of mine - it was great fun being a bastard.

Finished it a week ago and am back to my old self.
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Date: 5. Jūnijs 2010 - 22:50
So why'd you quit?
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Date: 5. Jūnijs 2010 - 23:07
I suspect it wasn't great fun for anyone else about whom I orbit, and it's hard to keep it up (the insulting carefree arrogance of it).

And once the voice leaves you, you are alone again - weighing things up reasonably reasonably.
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Date: 5. Jūnijs 2010 - 23:10
Ach, the sweet voice of reasonability..
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Date: 5. Jūnijs 2010 - 23:11
vai ne?
(ir doma)
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