Screw that, I am outta here |
Screw that, I am outta here | 15. Feb 2010 @ 09:18 ![Next Entry Next Entry]( |
nē, nu labi, nav jau kā UK, kur man škiet reizes divas vismaz pēdējo 5 gadu laikā valsts ierēdņi pazaudēja personu datus, bet tomēr... The lost data was thought to concern approximately 25 million people in the UK (nearly half of the country's population). The personal data on the missing discs was reported to include names, addresses and dates of birth of children, together with the National Insurance numbers and bank details of their parents.[3]
Mans 'wows' bija vairāk veltīts Ceturtās Atmodas Tautas Armijai!
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