16. Maijs 2012 |
The next horror flick. | 12:30 |
Jau varu iedomāties Holīvūdas sižeta galveno līniju. Detektējam bērnus ar psihopātu iezīmēm, izolējam viņus un mēģinam ārstēt, paiet 15 gadi un viņi izlaužās. Silent Hill meets Texas Chainsaw. Būtu smieklīgi, ja nebūtu nopietni.
The idea that a young child could have psychopathic tendencies remains controversial among psychologists. Laurence Steinberg, a psychologist at Temple University, has argued that psychopathy, like other personality disorders, is almost impossible to diagnose accurately in children, or even in teenagers — both because their brains are still developing and because normal behavior at these ages can be misinterpreted as psychopathic. Others fear that even if such a diagnosis can be made accurately, the social cost of branding a young child a psychopath is simply too high. (The disorder has historically been considered untreatable.) [...] Mark Dadds, a psychologist at the University of New South Wales who studies antisocial behavior in children, acknowledges that “no one is comfortable labeling a 5-year-old a psychopath.” But, he says, ignoring these traits may be worse. “The research showing that this temperament exists and can be identified in young children is quite strong.” Recent studies have revealed what appear to be significant anatomical differences in the brains of adolescent children who scored high on the youth version of the Psychopathy Checklist — an indication that the trait may be innate. Another study, which tracked the psychological development of 3,000 children over a period of 25 years, found that signs of psychopathy could be detected in children as young as 3. //http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/13/magazine/can-you-call-a-9-year-old-a-psychopath.html?pagewanted=3
What? Young female, I am an expert on humans! | 14:29 |
Pārlūkojot materiālu par brookinga pieminēto, laikam jau PCL-R, izbrīnījos, ka minddisorders.com saka, ka Sadomasochism involving consenting partners is not considered rare or unusual in the United States. It often occurs outside of the realm of a mental disorder. Fewer people consider themselves sadistic than masochistic. Laikam jau superficiāli skatoties, neko nevar saprast, jo citādi it kā jau šķistu, ka drīzāk var vairāk ievērot cilvēkus ar drusku sadistiskām tendencēm, nekā otrādi. Vai varbūt tā ir Amerika?
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