Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - Citātu dienas, part III: Licenzētie kvartāli

About Citātu dienas, part III: Licenzētie kvartāli

Previous Entry Citātu dienas, part III: Licenzētie kvartāli17. Jun 2009 @ 10:05 Next Entry
(ir doma)
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Date: 17. Jūnijs 2009 - 10:29
is it really how they are called? as in you walk into the pub and say "landlord, a pint of sumthin-sumthin"?

izklausās pārāk gari.
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Date: 17. Jūnijs 2009 - 10:34
My old man was a landlord for 20 years as although he never owned the pub, his name was above the door as the licensee - in Norfolk, most of the locals would call him landlord - in a city boozer - no you wouldn't hear it, only in the more 'local joints' and only when addressing the licensee.
(ir doma)
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