Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - Amaroж!

About Amaroж!

Previous Entry Amaroж!25. Apr 2009 @ 09:48 Next Entry
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Date: 25. Aprīlis 2009 - 09:58

Janet Brown - Used to do some of the voices for British TV show 'Spitting Image' (a topical comedy series involving latex puppets of famous people). She provided the voice for the Margaret Thatcher (British Prime Minister during the 1980s) puppet on that show and impersonates Mrs Thatcher again at the end of Amarok (the 'Hello everyone...' bit at 54:34).

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Date: 25. Aprīlis 2009 - 11:16
Every time I hear that voice, the mother anima begins to close in... Ak dievs, kāds lāsts.
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Date: 25. Aprīlis 2009 - 13:52
Isn't that charming?
A ha ha ha.
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